My Big Fat Catholic-Hindu Wedding

- Our Gift Registry -

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Gifts are by no means required, but if you'd like, here are our available registries:

I found this really cool tool recently called the Gift Registry Locator, so if you ever can't find your friend's registry, check that out!

Also, check out our page on The Knot!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

LOL, no, no babies just yet...

So I saw a message earlier in my comments section from my dear friend Julie who inquired if I was hiding anything from her. She seemed to have the idea that I might be expecting - and she got this idea because she saw some baby items on our Target registry:

Johnson's Baby Bathtime Gift Set

Zip-Front Sleep'N'Play 3-pack

The first thing that came to mind was, surely my Julie had clicked on a different Laura Skowronski (there are more of us out there, you know)! She confirmed she had clicked the registry for Laura Skowronski AND Naveen Nattam. Strange. I checked it, and sure enough, the items were there in our registry, and I know I didn't scan those items, and Naveen said he didn't. So my second thought was, well, I know mom's been asking about some of my registry items, and about adding to it, etc, and I know Naveen's mom is super excited about potential grandkids, so I started wondering if maybe one of them cleverly got someone at Target to add baby stuff to our registry as a hint. But then I thought, why would they invite the potential embarrassment - baby stuff on a wedding registry? They both confirmed they had nothing to do with the mix up. Naveen's mom suggested that they must be items from Praveen and Jenny's baby registry, and somehow the "Nattam" gift registries got mixed up somehow (some technical glitch!), or that they added to ours accidentally (except that would require knowledge of our password, so that can't be it).

A likelier story was my third conclusion, which was that some items we scanned in the store must have had incorrect UPC labels on them, or were somehow entered into the system incorrectly at the time of our registry. I've since heard that Target is notorious for registry mixups. Whatever the case, these rogue items have now been deleted from our registry, and life goes on.

One more month! Holy cow!!!!!